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Ähnliche Blogbeiträge wie »Unboxing DH-161 Plus with ›Kaede‹ head and DH-158 with ›Rin‹ head by Doll House 168«:

D4E-165 body style with ›Yuko‹ head by Doll Forever / skin tone ›white‹
D4E-155 body style with ›Li‹ head by Doll Forever / skin tone ›white‹
D4E Abdomen by Doll Forever / skin tone ›white‹
Doll Forever - family of dolls
YL-148 body style with ›Leslie‹ head by YL Doll
OR-166 body style with ›Hedy‹ head by OR Doll
YL-155/D body style with ›Yuki‹ head by YL Doll
YL-155/D body style with ›Yuki‹ head by YL Doll
YL-155/D body style with ›Yuki‹ head by YL Doll
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YL-155/D body style with ›Lori‹ head by YL Doll
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Oriental Rose ›Sasha‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 37) und OR-156-B Körper
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WM-156 Körper mit Kopf Nr. 88 (Jinsan no. 88)
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Unboxing Happy Doll ›Miyu‹ (ca. 160 cm - fabric/silicone)
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