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Das Sortiment von Dollstudio umfasst derzeit fünf Warengruppen. Mit Hilfe unserer Spezifikations-Datenbank können Sie unser Sortiment auch gezielt nach einzelnen Kriterien durchsuchen.


  • 130-139 cm (17)

    Dolls with a body size between 130 and 139 cm are particularly lightweight and relatively easy to handle, and they are usually much cheaper than their taller siblings.

    Adult people with a body size of less than 130 cm are called extremely short-lived (dwarfism or nanosomia). Little dolls, however, do not look like dwarfs, but simply as slightly reduced people. However, they are also somewhat more delicate and less resilient than larger dolls.

  • 140-149 cm (56)

    Dolls with a body size between 140 and 149 cm are relatively lightweight and easy to handle. They are usually also somewhat cheaper than their taller siblings.

    Adult people with a body size below 150 cm are called short-lived (hyposomia). Nowadays, less than 1% of the German women are less than 150 cm tall (SOEP 2006). Little dolls, however, do not look like small children, but simply as slightly reduced people. However, they are also somewhat more delicate and less resilient than taller dolls.

  • 150-159 cm (180)

    Dolls with a body height between 150 and 159 cm are about as large as typical Asian women or small European women. From an anthropometric viewpoint, a German woman was an average of 156 cm (Siegmund 2010) in the 19th century. Nowadays, about four percent of the German women are 150 to 154 cm tall; about 13 percent have a body size between 155 and 159 cm (SOEP 2006).

    In the past three and a half years, a body size of around 1.50 meters was the statistic normal size of a woman: her average body size was about 152 cm in 2000 BC and grew continuously to 155 cm. Ancient statues and ideal body proportions are therefore oriented to this body size.

    Dolls with a body size between 150 and 159 cm have the constructive advantage of still being comparatively lightweight; this allows weight-saving skeletal constructions and makes these dolls to easily manageable synthetic companions.

  • 160-169 cm (286)

    Dolls with a body height between 160 and 169 cm are about the size of a typical Central European woman. From an anthropometric perspective, a German woman is on average 165 cm tall (Microcensus 2005/Destatis 2009). About 27 percent of all German women are between 160 and 164 cm tall; about 29% have a body size between 165 and 169 cm (SOEP 2006).

    If you are looking for a doll as close to life as possible, you will find it in this segment. Since these dolls have similar proportions as human women, they also have the largest range of clothing, lingerie, shoes and matching jewelery. Dolls with a body size between 160 and 169 cm are also best suited as shop window dolls and for posing, as their body dimensions harmonize perfectly with common equipment such as armchairs, tables or accessories. These dolls can also be used in medical teaching as well as the training of physiotherapists, naturopaths and health care workers.

    Due to their body size, these dolls also have a comparatively high weight between about 35 and 45 kg; they are relatively difficult to handle and should be kept in an upright position, if possible.

  • 100-109 cm (14)

    Dolls with a body size between 100 and 109 cm belon on the one hand to the miniatures and on the other hand to the Mini Love Dolls (also known as MLD).

    The Mini Love Dolls have a body size that does not occur in adult cases. In MLDs too, the proportions of a normal human being are reduced in size, but markedly overstated. MLDs are therefore ideal for cuddling as well as for sex toys. But beware: the smaller MLDs are, the more careful they should be treated!

    The miniatures are true-to-scale reductions of human anatomy without serious distortions of body proportions, or manga dolls with partial transcriptions. These miniatures have different fields of application than their life-size brothers and sisters: they are neither suitable as puppet dolls nor as sex toys. Rather, they are used as desk decorations, for designing dioramas, or as small models.

  • 110-119 cm (5)

    Dolls with a body size between 110 and 119 cm belong one the one hand to the Mini Love Dolls (also known as MLD) and on the other hand to the miniatures.

    The Mini Love Dolls have a body size that does not occur in adult cases. In MLDs too, the proportions of a normal human being are reduced in size, but markedly overstated. MLDs are therefore ideal for cuddling as well as for sex toys. But beware: the smaller MLDs are, the more careful they should be treated!

    The miniatures are true-to-scale reductions of human anatomy without serious distortions of body proportions, or manga dolls with partial transcriptions. These miniatures have different fields of application than their life-size brothers and sisters: they are neither suitable as puppet dolls nor as sex toys. Rather, they are used as desk decorations, for designing dioramas, or as small models.

  • 120-129 cm (5)

    Dolls with a body size between 120 and 129 cm belon on the one hand to the Mini Love Dolls (also known as MLD) and on the other hand to the miniatures).

    The Mini Love Dolls have a body size that does not occur in adult cases. In MLDs too, the proportions of a normal human being are reduced in size, but markedly overstated. MLDs are therefore ideal for cuddling as well as for sex toys. But beware: the smaller MLDs are, the more careful they should be treated!

    The miniatures are true-to-scale reductions of human anatomy without serious distortions of body proportions, or manga dolls with partial transcriptions. These miniatures have different fields of application than their life-size brothers and sisters: they are neither suitable as puppet dolls nor as sex toys. Rather, they are used as desk or shelf decoration, for designing dioramas or as small photo models.


  • 30-59 cm

    Dolls with a body size between 30 and 59 cm are among the miniatures. This category includes: Dolls on a scale of 1/4 (with a total head of almost 45 cm).

    These miniatures are true-to-scale reductions without serious distortions of body proportions. The miniatures have different fields of application than their life-size brothers and sisters: they are neither suitable as dolls' dolls nor as sex toys. Rather, they are used as a desk decoration, for the design of dioramas or as small photo models as well as companion for action figures of the same size.


  • 60-79 cm (2)

    Dolls with a body size between 60 and 79 cm belong for one to the Miniatures and for the other to the so called Mini Love Dolls.

    The Miniatures include: Dolls on a scale of 1/3 (with a total size, including head, of about 60 cm). These are true-to-scale reductions of the human anatomy without serious distortions of the body proportions, or so-called manga dolls with partial transcriptions. These miniatures have different fields of application than their life-size brothers and sisters: they are neither suitable as puppet dolls nor as sex toys. Rather, they are used as desk decorations, for the design of dioramas or as small photo models as well as companions for action figures of the same size.

    The Mini Love Dolls (also MLD) have a body size that does not occur in adult cases. In MLDs too, the proportions of a normal human being are reduced in size, but markedly overstated. MLDs are therefore ideal for cuddling as well as for sex toys. But beware: the smaller MLDs are, the more careful they should be treated!


  • 80-99 cm (12)

    Dolls with a body size between 80 and 99 cm belong, on the one hand, to the (tall) miniatures, and on the other hand to the Mini Love Dolls (also known as MLD).

    The miniatures include: dolls on the scale of 1/2 (with a body height of almost 90 cm, including head). These are true-to-scale reductions of the human anatomy without serious distortions of the body proportions, or so-called manga dolls with partial transcriptions. These miniatures have different fields of application than their life-size brothers and sisters: they are neither suitable as puppet dolls nor as sex toys. Rather, they are used as desk decorations, for the design of dioramas or as small photo models as well as companions for action figures of the same size.

    The Mini Love Dolls have a body size that does not occur in adult cases. In MLDs too, the proportions of a normal human being are reduced in size, but markedly overstated. MLDs are therefore ideal for cuddling as well as for sex toys. But beware: the smaller MLDs are, the more careful they should be treated!


  • Adapters (68)

    Adapters allow to mechanically connect doll heads with doll bodies from different manufacturers and/or brands. Such a mix-and-match configuration is called a hybrid doll.

    Among the supported brands are, among others: Doll Sweet & EX Doll, Orient Industry, Silicone Art, Lifedoll, Z-Onedoll, Sanhui, Doll Forever, Doll House 168, Irontech, WM Dolls & WM Doll, OR Doll, YL Doll, Hitdoll, JY Doll, Jellynew, JM Doll, 4woods, Maidlee Doll and many more.

    The creation of hybrid dolls is possible across a wide range of products. When configuring such a hybrid doll, please take into consideration

    • if skin tones match,
    • if materials are compatible, and
    • if head to body proportions are reasonable.
  • Attachments (2)
  • Accessories (134)

    Not even as the proud owner of a love doll you get without some accessories. A basic equipment is usually included together with the doll, but in regard to storing, maintaining and repairing her, you can make life easier with some utensils.

    Many accessories are not necessarily to be bought from the manufacturer of the doll. The specialist retailer offers a considerably greater choice and often better quality; that applies, for example, to clothing, lingerie, shoes, and wigs.

    Similarily, you do not depend on the offers from the manufacturers if it comes to care products. Drugstores carry many useful products, from powder brushes to combs and brushes, to low-irritating cleansing gels, high-quality intimate showers and skin-friendly disinfectants.

    Please pay close attention to our information regarding the compatibility of care and cleaning products with silicone and TPE materials!


  • Breasts (6)

    Breasts are separately available body parts that are also known as sculptures in classical art. Breasts can be sculptured by a sculptor or created as a lifecast of a living human being.

    Breasts can be used as ornaments; when designed as sex toys, they consist of body-like materials such as silicone gels or TPE.

    Breasts do not have skeletal components, but they are considerably more lightweight, cheaper, and easier to maintain than a whole body doll.

  • Body parts (1591)

    Wie auch in der klassischen Kunst gibt es auch bei Dolls nicht nur Ganzkörper-Skulpturen, sondern auch Körperteile wie Torsi und Unterleiber. Die Körperteile weisen meist einen geringeren Grad an Ähnlichkeit zu menschlichen Körpern auf als die Ganzkörper-Dolls; beispielsweise fehlen in Torsi und Unterkörpern häufig die Skelett-Komponenten. Dafür sind diese Komponenten erheblich leichter, preiswerter und auch leichter zu reinigen als eine Ganzkörper-Doll.

    Ebenfalls zu den separat erhältlichen Körperteile zählen die Köpfe für Ganzkörper-Dolls. Oft lassen sich die Köpfe innerhalb einer Modellreihe frei auswechseln. Sie eignen sich jedoch beispielsweise auch als luxuriöse Perückenständer und garantieren für Abwechslung, wenn man auf seiner Doll einmal ein neues Gesicht sehen möchte.


  • Care and maintenance (2)

    Dolls are delicate creatures that require regular maintenance and care. Please pay attention to the doll manufacturer's instructions when purchasing cleaning and care products, as many commercial gels and shampoos can damage silicone and TPE-Dolls.

    As well silicone as TPE dolls should be powdered regularly - preferably weekly, at least once a month. For this, no expensive "activation powder" has to be purchased from the manufacturer; in general, simple cornstarch (from the supermarket) or baby powder (from the drugstore) is just as suitable.

  • Connectors
  • Clothing

    Most dolls are equipped by the manufacturer with a suitable garment which - in some cases - can be chosen. If you are looking for a cosplay outfit, you might want to replace these rather simple dresses with higher-quality models - or you simply want to change the appearance of your doll from time to time.

    Fitting costumes for life-size dolls are available at the local women's clothing store as well as in countless internet shops; the body measurements given in the article description will assist in the selection of matching garments. A huge selection of items are also available for miniatures in 1/3, 1/4 and 1/6 scale. You can locate many specialized shops on the Internet.

    It is more difficult to procure pieces of clothing for miniature dolls of 1/2 scale (about 80 cm) or very small dolls (about 90-125 cm).


  • Feet

    Feet are separately available body parts, which are also known as sculpture artefacts from classical art. Feet can be sculptured by a sculptor or created as a lifecast of a living human being.

    Feet can be used as decorative pieces; When designed as sex toys for the fetish area, they consist of body-like materials such as silicone or TPE.

    Feet do not have skeletal components, but they are considerably more lightweight, cheaper, and easier to maintain than a whole body doll.

  • Fembots & Gynoids

    Robot dolls, resembling a human female.


  • Heads (1528)

    Heads are separately available body parts for whole body dolls or miniatures. Often the heads can be replaced freely within a model series, whereby not only the appearance, but also the function range of a doll can be changed.

    However, separately available heads are, , also suitable as luxurious wig stands, as artistic sculptures, as collector's items - and they guarantee a change if you want to see a new face on your doll!

  • Hermaphrodites

    Double-sex Dolls show both male and female attributes. Named after the figure from Greek mythology called Hermaphroditos (Ἑρμαφρόδιτος), they are occasionally also referred to as hermitism.



  • Life-sized dolls (596)

    Life-size dolls have a body size that corresponds to the adult. The spectrum ranges from dolls that are slightly larger than the statistical average to the equivalent of short-lived and extremely short-lived people.

    In smaller female dolls, the proportions of average women are usually reduced to scale, but especially in smaller models there are also transitions into the fantasy and fairytale world, for example in the form of elves or manga dolls.

  • Legs (7)

    Legs, also known as "torso legs", are separately available body parts, as they are also known as artefacts from classical art. Legs can be sculptured by a sculptor, or they can also be formed as a lifecast of a living person.

    The lower body or abdomen can be used as decorative exhibits; some of them are conceived as sex toys, but are less suitable for exhibiting outside private living spaces.

    As a rule, abdomen do not have skeletal components, but they are considerably more lightweight, cheaper and easier to maintain than a whole-body doll.


  • Male dolls (7)

    Male dolls.

  • Mini dolls (38)

    Miniature dolls have a body size that does not occur in adult cases. In mini dolls, the proportions of a normal human being are reduced in size, but they are greatly overshadowed. This is why many mini-dolls are ideal for cuddling as well as for sex toys.

    In addition to life-size dolls and mini dolls, there are also miniatures. These are true-to-scale reductions without serious distortions of the body proportions; standard reduction scales are 1: 3, 1: 4 and 1: 6. These miniatures have different fields of application than their life-size brothers and sisters: they are neither suitable as puppet dolls nor as sex toys. Rather, they are used as a desk decoration, for the design of dioramas or as small photo models as well as companion for action figures with the same scale.

  • Males & intersex (7)

    Male dolls, intersex and transgender dolls.


  • Repair (1)

    Even with a high-quality doll, repairs may be required. Partially, the manufacturers provide repair kits for their dolls, which can be used to close smaller tears. Alternatively, silicone dolls can be repaired with the silicone adhesives like Sil-Poxy.

    Repairing TPE dolls used to be more difficult since no universal repair materials were available for a long time. That changed fundamentally with the introduction of Indigo Individual's TPE Repair Kit in 2016 which makes repairing TPE dolls as easy as repairing silicone dolls.


  • Torsos (47)

    Torsos are separately available body parts that are based on the sculptures of classical art of the same name. Torsos can be sculptured by a sculptor, or can also be formed as a lifecast of a living human being.

    Torsos have been used for centuries as ornamental exhibits; some torsos are conceived as sex toys, however, and thusly are less suitable for exhibiting outside private living spaces.

    Torsos usually do not have skeletal components, but they are significantly more lightweight, cheaper, and easier to maintain than a whole body doll.



  • Wigs (54)

    Generally, most dolls are equipped with wigs by the manufacturer, but often they will be replaced by models with higher quality - or you just want to change the appearance of your doll.

    Fitting wigs for life-size dolls are available in specialized stores; there is a wide selection, starting at about $25 for synthetic wigs to well over $1,000 for real hair wigs.

  • ‹ 30 cm

    Dolls with a body size less than 30 cm are among the miniatures. This category includes: Dolls on the scale of 1/6 (with a total head approx. 26-28 cm).

    These miniatures are true-to-scale reductions without serious distortions of body proportions. The miniatures have different fields of application than their life-size brothers and sisters: they are neither suitable as dolls' dolls nor as sex toys. Rather, they are used as a desk decoration, for the design of dioramas or as small photo models as well as companion for action figures of the same size.

  • › 170 cm (62)

    Dolls with a body size from 170 cm and up are considered the royal class of life-like dolls as they place the highest demands on the construction of the skeleton. Almost 18 percent of German women are between 170 and 174 cm tall, only seven percent are between 175 and 179 cm (SOEP 2006).

    From an anthropometric perspective, a German man is on average 178 cm in size (Mikrozensus 2005/Destatis 2009), the big dolls are therefore rather synthetic companions for particularly large men who do not want to look down too much at their partner and are also effortlessly able to move regularly over 40 kg of weight. These tall dolls can also be used in medical teaching as well as the training of physiotherapists, naturopaths and health care workers.

    Further applications of these luxury dolls are photographic posings and high-quality dioramas in museums and exhibitions, where visitors can view the exhibits at close range.

    Only very few manufacturers can produce dolls with a body size from 170 cm and up.