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posted Friday, 6. January 2017 - 15:44 (784)

These are excerpts from our questionaire we send to new manufacturers that want to do business with us.

The following questions are primarily targeted at companies claiming to actually make dolls and employ an own sculptor (opposed to reselling and rebranding products from someone else, or just doing OEM manufacturing).

1) […] As you stated, you have own manufacturing facilities.
Where is the factory located?

ZO-162 body style with ZO-A17 head by Z-Onedoll
posted Friday, 6. January 2017 - 1:00 (857)

Recently, Z-Onedoll released new photos with the ZO-162 body style (ca. 162 cm) and the ZO-A17 head.

D4E-155 body style with ›Yuko‹ head by Doll Forever / skin tone ›white‹
posted Thursday, 5. January 2017 - 0:44 (2,014)

Recently, Doll Forever released new photos with D4E-155 body style (ca. 155 cm) and ›Yuko‹ head.

This almost life-sized love doll is made of TPE, features hinged joints and is able to stand on her own feet.

D4E-165 Körperstil mit ›Yan‹ Kopf von Doll Forever / Hautton ›white‹
posted Wednesday, 4. January 2017 - 1:15 (1,904)

Recently, Doll Forever released new photos with D4E-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) and ›Yan‹ head.

This life-sized love doll is made of TPE, features hinged joints and is able to stand on her own feet.

D4E-135 body style with ›Xuan‹ head by Doll Forever / skin tone ›white‹
posted Tuesday, 3. January 2017 - 0:43 (2,756)

Recently, Doll Forever released new photos with D4E-135 body style (ca. 135 cm) and ›Xuan‹ head.

This medium-sized love doll is made of TPE, features hinged joints and is able to stand on her own feet.

YL-150/BB Körperstil mit ›Lori‹ Kopf von YL Doll
posted Monday, 2. January 2017 - 0:08 (4,511)

Recently, YL Doll released new photos with the YL-150/BB body style and the ›Lori‹ head.

With a bust of imposing 116 cm, the YL-155/BB is currently the most busty body style in our portfolio.

D4E-165 body style with ›Yuko‹ head by Doll Forever / skin tone ›white‹
posted Sunday, 1. January 2017 - 17:12 (2,228)

Recently, Doll Forever released new photos with D4E-165 body style (ca. 165 cm) and ›Yuko‹ head.

This life-sized love doll is made of TPE, features hinged joints and is able to stand on her own feet.


ZO-170 body style with ZO-A34 head by Z-Onedoll
posted Saturday, 31. December 2016 - 1:07 (605)

Recently, Z-Onedoll released more photos with ZO-170 body style (ca. 170 cm) and the ZO-A34 head in skin tone tan.

ZO-162 body style with ZO-A10 head by Z-Onedoll
posted Friday, 30. December 2016 - 14:24 (970)

Recently, Z-Onedoll released new photos with the ZO-162 body style (ca. 162 cm) and the ZO-A10 head.

Z-Onedoll ZO-111 body style with ZO-A38 head / skin tone ›tan‹
posted Thursday, 29. December 2016 - 3:16 (772)

Recently, Z-Onedoll released new photos with ZO-111 body style (ca. 111 cm) and the ZO-A38 head in skin tone ›tan‹.

D4E-155 body style with ›Li‹ head by Doll Forever / skin tone ›white‹
posted Wednesday, 28. December 2016 - 15:48 (2,752)

Recently, Doll Forever released new photos with D4E-155 body style (ca. 155 cm) and ›Li‹ head.

This almost life-sized love doll is made of TPE.

D4E Abdomen by Doll Forever / skin tone ›white‹
posted Tuesday, 27. December 2016 - 15:40 (2,847)

Recently, Doll Forever released new photos with the brand new D4E Abdomen. This is a lower female body, also known as "legs torso", made of TPE.

The legs can stand on their own feet, but the abdomen can also be fixed and posed on a specially designed stand.

Doll Forever - family of dolls
posted Monday, 26. December 2016 - 0:19 (4,869)

Dollstudio is expanding it's product range with the new manufacturer Doll Forever, also known as Doll 4ever or D4E. The Chinese supplier produces innovative TPE love dolls, which show some interesting innovations.

Among others, these novel features include a skeletal construction that allows standing without screws passing through the soles of the feet. Another unique feature in the TPE doll segment is that D4E consistently favours hinged joints, which hopefully will lead to higher stability of the doll's neck.

At launch time, Doll Forever presents three different body styles, the medium-sized D4E-135, and the life-size models D4E-155 and D4E-165. For the medium-sized body style there are three different heads to choose from, and there are already three heads for the two life-size body styles as well.

ZO-160 SM Körperstil mit ZO-A16 Kopf von Z-Onedoll
posted Sunday, 25. December 2016 - 0:54 (845)

Recently, Z-Onedoll released new photos with ZO-160 SM body style (ca. 160 cm) and the ZO-A16 head.

YL-148 body style with ›Leslie‹ head by YL Doll
posted Saturday, 24. December 2016 - 0:19 (2,430)

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-148 body style and the ›Leslie‹ head.

In this sense: Merry Christmas!

ZO-120 body style with ZO-A37 head by Z-Onedoll
posted Friday, 23. December 2016 - 16:31 (831)

Recently, Z-Onedoll released new photos with ZO-120 body style (ca. 120 cm) and the ZO-A37 head in Anime/Manga style.

OR-166 body style with ›Hedy‹ head by OR Doll
posted Thursday, 22. December 2016 - 16:18 (1,963)

Recently, OR Doll released new photots with the new OR-166 body style and the ›Hedy‹ head.

YL-155/D body style with ›Yuki‹ head by YL Doll
posted Wednesday, 21. December 2016 - 19:29 (1,820)

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-155/D body style and the ›Yuki‹ head.

YL-155/D body style with ›Yuki‹ head by YL Doll
posted Tuesday, 20. December 2016 - 13:37 (1,975)

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-155/D body style and the ›Yuki‹ head.

YL-155/D body style with ›Yuki‹ head by YL Doll
posted Monday, 19. December 2016 - 17:22 (2,187)

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-155/D body style and the ›Yuki‹ head.

By the way, the YL Doll Christmas Sale still runs by the end of the year. During this sale, you can choose a second head free together with any doll by YL.

posted Monday, 19. December 2016 - 2:13 (2,881)

With respect to the upcoming male doll from EX, I drafted an tabular overview on male life-sized & life-like dolls for reference.

Covered dolls are

* Dan-Lee, John-Lee and Ben-Lee from Maidlee Doll (Canada),
* two male bodies A and B by Abyss Creations (USA),
* the male Body 1 by Sinthetics (USA),
* the 145 cm male silicone doll by Daming (China)
* the 140 cm male TPE doll by Joytop (China)
* the 160 cm male TPE doll by Hitdoll, and
* Leo and Mr. H by Doll Sweet (China/Japan).

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