Individuelle Anpassungen

Overview of individual customizations, available for love dolls.

# Individual customization Ops
41 Irokebijin eye colors and styles (as of 11/2024) Irokebijin Eyes – Irokebijin

The Eyes fit to selected miniature dolls by Irokebijin.

As of 11/2024, the following 8 eye colors/styles are available to choose from:

* blue
* blue-green
* red-orange
* purple
* ambre
* red heart
* purple...

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1.059 (t)
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42 Climax Doll - CLM Ultra Skin Colors as of 04/2024 Climax Doll Skin Colors – Climax Doll

The Skin Tone is a customization option for TPE love dolls by Climax Doll.

As of April 2024, for the CLM Ultra model line there are seven skin colors available to choose from:


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3.430 (t)
1.959 (y)
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43 Angel Kiss ROS ("Real Oral Sex") Angel Kiss ROS – Angel Kiss

ROS (= "Real Oral Sex") is an invidually customizable option available for silicone love dolls by Angel Kiss.

Features for enhanced visual realism:

* movable jaw,
* built-in teeth,...

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08 (cr)
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44 Zelex - EXP Skeleton (as of 04/2023) Zelex Skeleton – Zelex

The Skeleton for silicone dolls by Zelex supports shrugging.

Since April 2022, there are two skeleton variants available to choose from:

* EVO skeleton, and
* EXP skeleton.

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45 Xycolo - Wigs (as of 02/2023) Xycolo Wigs – Xycolo

The Wig can be individually customized on all silicone love dolls by Xycolo.

As of 02/2023, you can choose between 39 styles.

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46 Xycolo - Finger nails (as of 02/2023) Xycolo Finger and Toe Nails – Xycolo

The Finger and Toe Nails can be individually customized on all silicone love dolls by Xycolo.

As of 02/2023, you can choose between eight pre-defined options.

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1.653 (t)
1.187 (y)
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47 Gynoid Tech - Nipple color (03/2023) Gynoid Nipple Color – Gynoid

The Nipple Color is a customization option available for all silicone love dolls by Gynoid Tech.

As of 03/2023, there are three pigmentation variants to choose from:

* #1
* #2
* #3

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05 (cr)
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651 (y)
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48 Irokebijin skin color - Dark tan Irokebijin Skin Color – Irokebijin

The Skin Color is an individual customization for miniature dolls by Irokebijin.

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49 WM Doll wig collection (as of 12/2022) WM Doll Wigs – WM Doll

The Wig is an invidually customizable customization option available for TPE love dolls by WM Doll and WM Dolls.

Starting in 12/2022, there are 15 different wigs available to choose...

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2.417 (y)
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50 Doll Forever eye colors (09/2019) Doll Forever Eye Colors – Doll Forever

The Eye Color is a customizable option for TPE love dolls by Doll Forever.

Please note that not all eye colors are available for all heads:

* Miniature doll heads have smaller eyes than...

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